Generate a random number inside of a set using the range operator `..`
This will generate a number between the two numbers you've provided inclusively.
This will work for negative numbers and decimals.
Random decimals will use the highest number of decimal places you provide.
`5..10` → `7`
`1..1.4` → `1.2`
`0.0026..0.03` → `0.0115`
`-5..5` → `-3`
In the examples below, `#` is replaced by any number.
Notation is not case sensitive.
Multiple dice can be rolled at once, and additional arithmetic can be applied.
`d` | used to simulate the roll of virtual dice with 6 sides `1..6`. |
`#d` | Roll the die "#" times. (Default 1) |
`d#` | Roll a dice with "#" sides. (Default 6) |
`d%` | Roll a dice with 100 sides. (Shortcut for `d100`) |
`d!` | Roll an additional time if the highest value is rolled (6 for a 6 sided die) |
`d!#` | Roll an additional time if "#" is rolled (Default 1) |
`d+!#` | Roll an additional time if the roll is equal or greater than "#" |
`d-!#` | Roll an additional time if the roll is equal or less than "#" |
`dL` | Drop the lowest result. (Used when rolling one die multiple times) |
`dL#` | Drop the lowest result "#" times. |
`dH` | Drop the highest result. (Used when rolling one die multiple times) |
`dH#` | Drop the highest result "#" times. |
`dK` | Drop the highest result. (Used when rolling one die multiple times) |
`dK#` | Drop the highest result "#" times. |
`d-L` | Drop all results equal to the lowest dice value (1) |
`d-L#` | Drop all results equal to or less than "#" |
`d-H` | Drop all results equal to the highest dice value (6 for a 6 sided die) |
`d-H#` | Drop all results equal to or greater than "#" |
`4d6 + 10` → Roll a 6 sided dice 4 times, add them all together and add 10 to the final result giving a result roughly matching bell curve ranging from `14..34`.